
Criciuma v Cruzeiro MG

sri, 03. srp 24. 19:00
Match Odds
CriciumaDrawCruzeiro MG
Odds Boost
  • Cruzeiro MG to win & both teams to score6,00
  • Eder to score 2 or more17,00
  • Yannick Bolasie & Allano to have 2 or more shots on target each7,00
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Both Teams to Score & 3+ Corners for Each Team & 2+ Cards for Each Team
Each Team to Have 2+ Corners in Each Half
Criciuma to Win; Criciuma Most Corners & Cruzeiro MG Most Cards
Criciuma 1+ Goals in Each Half; Criciuma 3+ Corners in Each Half & Cruzeiro MG 1+ Cards in Each Half
Cruzeiro MG to Win Each Half & Cruzeiro MG to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Criciuma to Win Each Half & Criciuma to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Criciuma to Win Each Half, Arthur Caike to Score & Criciuma to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Golovi - Više/manje
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
CriciumaIzjednačenoCruzeiro MG
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Autogolovi se ne računaju
PrviU bilo kojem trenutku
Rafael Elias
No Goalscorer-
Matheus Pereira
Arthur Caike
Gabriel Veron
Yannick Bolasie
  • Eder
  • Arthur Caike
  • Gabriel Veron
  • Fellipe Mateus
  • Matheusinho
  • Joao Carlos
  • Barreto
  • Higor Meritao
  • Baltasar Barcia
  • Leo Goncalves
  • Fellipe Mateus
  • Arthur Caike
  • Gabriel Veron
  • Matheusinho
  • Joao Carlos
  • Eder
  • Lucas Silva
  • Barreto
  • Higor Meritao
  • Leo Goncalves
  • Barreto
  • Rodrigo
  • Tobias Figueiredo
  • Walisson Maia
  • Eder
  • Matheus Pereira
  • Ronald
  • Filipe Machado
  • Matheusinho
  • Higor Meritao
  • Tobias Figueiredo
  • Barreto
  • Rodrigo
  • Walisson Maia
  • Ronald
  • Neris
  • Joao Marcelo
  • Helibelton Palacios
  • Higor Meritao
  • Filipe Machado
CriciumaDrawCruzeiro MG
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Criciuma And Draw
  • Cruzeiro MG And Draw
  • Criciuma And Cruzeiro MG
  • Eder
  • Matheus Pereira
  • Rafael Elias
  • Arthur Caike
  • Gabriel Veron
  • Arthur Viana
  • Yannick Bolasie
  • Joao Pedro
  • Arthur Gomes
  • Matheusinho
CriciumaHandicap DrawCruzeiro MG
CriciumaHandicap DrawCruzeiro MG
  • Criciuma / Criciuma
  • Criciuma / Draw
  • Criciuma / Cruzeiro MG
  • Draw / Criciuma
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Cruzeiro MG
  • Cruzeiro MG / Criciuma
  • Cruzeiro MG / Draw
  • Cruzeiro MG / Cruzeiro MG
  • Criciuma
  • Cruzeiro MG
CriciumaCruzeiro MGNo Goals
Total Corners 8.5
Total Corners 9.5
Total Corners 10.5
Total Corners 11.5
Over/Under 3.5 Cards
Over/Under 4.5 Cards
Over/Under 5.5 Cards
Over/Under 6.5 Cards
CriciumaDrawCruzeiro MG
CriciumaCruzeiro MG
  • Yes

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