
Cuiaba v Botafogo

sri, 03. srp 24. 18:00
Match Odds
Odds Boost
  • Cuiaba to Win; Cuiaba Most Corners & Botafogo Most Cards13,00
  • Tiquinho Soares to score 2 or more9,00
  • Tiquinho Soares & Clayson to have 2 or more shots on target each7,00
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Both Teams to Score & 3+ Corners for Each Team & 2+ Cards for Each Team
Each Team to Have 2+ Corners in Each Half
Cuiaba to Win; Cuiaba Most Corners & Botafogo Most Cards
Cuiaba 1+ Goals in Each Half; Cuiaba 3+ Corners in Each Half & Botafogo 1+ Cards in Each Half
Cuiaba to Win Each Half & Cuiaba to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Botafogo to Win Each Half & Botafogo to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Cuiaba to Win Each Half, Isidro Pitta to Score & Cuiaba to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Golovi - Više/manje
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Autogolovi se ne računaju
PrviU bilo kojem trenutku
Tiquinho Soares
Isidro Pitta
No Goalscorer-
Junior Santos
  • Tiquinho Soares
  • Deyverson
  • Isidro Pitta
  • Clayson
  • Oscar Romero
  • Luiz Henrique
  • Andre Luis
  • Jonathan Cafu
  • Max
  • Fernando Sobral
  • Tiquinho Soares
  • Clayson
  • Oscar Romero
  • Deyverson
  • Marlon Freitas
  • Andre Luis
  • Max
  • Isidro Pitta
  • Jonathan Cafu
  • Luiz Henrique
  • Rikelme
  • Deyverson
  • Railan
  • Matheus Alexandre
  • Max
  • Gregore
  • Isidro Pitta
  • Tiquinho Soares
  • Filipe Augusto
  • Denilson
  • Rikelme
  • Gregore
  • Railan
  • Matheus Alexandre
  • Filipe Augusto
  • Max
  • Luis Segovia
  • Lucas Halter
  • Marcal
  • Cuiabano
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Cuiaba And Draw
  • Botafogo And Draw
  • Cuiaba And Botafogo
  • Tiquinho Soares
  • Deyverson
  • Isidro Pitta
  • Eduardo
  • Junior Santos
  • Clayson
  • Eliel
  • Andre Luis
  • Jonathan Cafu
  • Luiz Henrique
CuiabaHandicap DrawBotafogo
CuiabaHandicap DrawBotafogo
  • Cuiaba / Cuiaba
  • Cuiaba / Draw
  • Cuiaba / Botafogo
  • Draw / Cuiaba
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Botafogo
  • Botafogo / Cuiaba
  • Botafogo / Draw
  • Botafogo / Botafogo
  • Cuiaba
  • Botafogo
CuiabaBotafogoNo Goals
Total Corners 7.5
Total Corners 8.5
Total Corners 9.5
Total Corners 10.5
Total Corners 11.5
Over/Under 3.5 Cards
Over/Under 4.5 Cards
Over/Under 5.5 Cards
Over/Under 6.5 Cards
  • Yes

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