
Atletico GO v Athletico-PR

24年7月07日(日) 17:30
Match Odds
Atletico GoThe DrawAthletico-PR
ゴール数 (上か下か)
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
Atletico Go引き分けAthletico-PR
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Vagner Love
Gonzalo Mastriani
Lucas Di Yorio
Mateo Zuleta
Luiz Fernando
No Goalscorer-
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Vagner Love
  • Derek
  • Alejo Cruz
  • Shaylon
  • Pablo
  • Nikao
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Tomas Cuello
  • Bruno Tubarao
  • Alejo Cruz
  • Tomas Cuello
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Bruno Tubarao
  • Shaylon
  • Vagner Love
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Derek
  • Nikao
  • Lucas Kal
Atletico GoDrawAthletico-PR
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Atletico GO And Draw
  • Athletico-PR And Draw
  • Atletico GO And Athletico-PR
  • Vagner Love
  • Gonzalo Mastriani
  • Mateo Zuleta
  • Lucas Di Yorio
  • Derek
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Emiliano Rodriguez
  • Pablo
  • Kayke Santos
  • Nikao
Atletico GoHandicap DrawAthletico-PR
Atletico GoHandicap DrawAthletico-PR
  • Atletico GO / Atletico GO
  • Atletico GO / Draw
  • Atletico GO / Athletico-PR
  • Draw / Atletico GO
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Athletico-PR
  • Athletico-PR / Atletico GO
  • Athletico-PR / Draw
  • Athletico-PR / Athletico-PR
  • Atletico Go
  • Athletico-PR
Atletico GoAthletico-PRNo Goals
Atletico GoDrawAthletico-PR
Atletico GoAthletico-PR
  • Yes


ベット チケットは空です。