
Fortaleza EC v Fluminense

24年7月07日(日) 15:00
Match Odds
Fortaleza ECThe DrawFluminense
ゴール数 (上か下か)
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Correct Score
Fortaleza EC引き分けFluminense
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Renato Kayzer
Juan Lucero
German Cano
Iarley Barros
Imanol Machuca
Yago Pikachu
  • Renato Kayzer
  • Yago Pikachu
  • Marinho
  • Breno Lopes
  • German Cano
  • Calebe
  • Tomas Pochettino
  • Renato Augusto
  • John Kennedy
  • Matheus Rossetto
  • Yago Pikachu
  • Breno Lopes
  • Calebe
  • Marinho
  • Renato Kayzer
  • Tomas Pochettino
  • Tinga
  • Douglas Costa
  • Marquinhos
  • Ganso
Fortaleza ECDrawFluminense
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Fortaleza EC And Draw
  • Fluminense And Draw
  • Fortaleza EC And Fluminense
  • Renato Kayzer
  • Juan Lucero
  • German Cano
  • Marinho
  • Iarley Barros
  • Imanol Machuca
  • Yago Pikachu
  • Breno Lopes
  • Tomas Pochettino
  • Renato Augusto
Fortaleza ECHandicap DrawFluminense
Fortaleza ECHandicap DrawFluminense
  • Fortaleza EC / Fortaleza EC
  • Fortaleza EC / Draw
  • Fortaleza EC / Fluminense
  • Draw / Fortaleza EC
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Fluminense
  • Fluminense / Fortaleza EC
  • Fluminense / Draw
  • Fluminense / Fluminense
  • Fortaleza EC
  • Fluminense
Fortaleza ECFluminenseNo Goals
Fortaleza ECDrawFluminense
Fortaleza ECFluminense
  • Yes


ベット チケットは空です。