
San Jose Earthquakes v Chicago Fire

24年7月07日(日) 20:30
Match Odds
San Jose EarthquakesThe DrawChicago Fire
ゴール数 (上か下か)
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Over/Under 5.5 Goals
Correct Score
San Jose Earthquakes引き分けChicago Fire
Both Teams to Score
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Amahl Pellegrino
Jeremy Ebobisse
Hugo Cuypers
Cristian Espinoza
Preston Judd
Benjamin Kikanovic
Hernan Lopez
  • Tom Barlow
  • Fabian Herbers
  • Alfredo Morales
  • Michael Baldisimo
  • Carlos Gruezo
  • Andrew Gutman
  • Kellyn Acosta
  • Mauricio Pineda
  • Federico Navarro
  • Gaston Gimenez
  • Alfredo Morales
  • Fabian Herbers
  • Tom Barlow
  • Carlos Gruezo
  • Michael Baldisimo
  • Federico Navarro
  • Andrew Gutman
  • Carlos Akapo
  • Mauricio Pineda
  • Kellyn Acosta
San Jose EarthquakesDrawChicago Fire
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • San Jose Earthquakes And Draw
  • Chicago Fire And Draw
  • San Jose Earthquakes And Chicago Fire
  • Amahl Pellegrino
  • Jeremy Ebobisse
  • Hugo Cuypers
  • Cristian Espinoza
  • Hernan Lopez
  • Preston Judd
  • Maren Haile-Selassie
  • Jackson Yueill
  • Benjamin Kikanovic
  • Omari Glasgow
San Jose EarthquakesHandicap DrawChicago Fire
San Jose EarthquakesHandicap DrawChicago Fire
  • San Jose Earth/San Jose Earth
  • San Jose Earth/Draw
  • San Jose Earth/Chicago Fire
  • Draw/San Jose Earth
  • Draw/Draw
  • Draw/Chicago Fire
  • Chicago Fire/San Jose Earth
  • Chicago Fire/Draw
  • Chicago Fire/Chicago Fire
  • San Jose Earthquakes
  • Chicago Fire
San Jose EarthquakesChicago FireNo Goals
San Jose EarthquakesDrawChicago Fire
San Jose EarthquakesChicago Fire


ベット チケットは空です。