
O'Shaquie Foster v Robson Conceicao

сб, 06 лип. 24 р., 22:00
Match Odds
O'Shaquie FosterDrawRobson Conceicao
Head To Head
O'Shaquie FosterRobson Conceicao
Odds Boost
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 126,00
  • Robson Conceicao To Win by KO/TKO8,00
Alternative Group Round Betting 1
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 6
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 12
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 6
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 12
Alternative Group Round Betting 2
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 2
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 3 - 4
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 5 - 6
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 8
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 9 - 10
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 11 - 12
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 2
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 3 - 4
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 5 - 6
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 8
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 9 - 10
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 11 - 12
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 4
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 5 - 8
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 9 - 12
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 4
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 5 - 8
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 9 - 12
  • Draw
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 3
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 4 - 6
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 9
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 10 - 12
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 1 - 3
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 4 - 6
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 7 - 9
  • Robson Conceicao To Win the Fight in Round 10 - 12
  • O'Shaquie Foster Points or Decision
  • O'Shaquie Foster KO/TKO
  • Draw
  • Robson Conceicao Points or Decision
  • Robson Conceicao KO/TKO
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 1
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 2
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 3
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 4
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 5
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 6
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 7
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 8
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 9
  • O'Shaquie Foster To Win the Fight in Round 10
  • O'Shaquie Foster
  • Robson Conceicao
  • O'Shaquie Foster to win in 60 seconds
  • Either to win in 60 seconds
  • Robson Conceicao to win in 60 seconds
  • Over
  • Under
  • Round 1
  • Round 2
  • Round 3
  • Round 4
  • Round 5
  • Round 6
  • Round 7
  • Round 8
  • Round 9
  • Round 10
  • Round 11
  • Round 12
  • Round 1 - 3
  • Round 4 - 6
  • Round 7 - 9
  • Round 10 - 12
  • Yes

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