
Atletico GO v Athletico-PR

нд, 07 лип. 24 р., 17:30
Match Odds
Atletico GODrawAthletico-PR
Odds Boost
  • Both teams to score & 3+ corners for each team & 2+ cards for each team3,75
  • Roni & Luiz Fernando both to be carded5,50
  • Vagner Love to have 2+ shots on target & Roni to have 1+ shots on target6,00
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Each Team to Have 2+ Corners in Each Half
Both Teams to Score & 3+ Corners for Each Team & 2+ Cards for Each Team
Atletico GO to Win; Atletico GO Most Corners & Athletico-PR Most Cards
Atletico GO 1+ Goals in Each Half; Atletico GO 3+ Corners in Each Half & Athletico-PR 1+ Cards in Each Half
Atletico GO to Win Each Half & Atletico GO to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Atletico GO to Win Each Half, Vagner Love to Score & Atletico GO to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Athletico-PR to Win Each Half & Athletico-PR to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Голи більше/менше
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
Atletico GOНічияAthletico-PR
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Автоголи не враховуються
ПершийУ будь-який час
Vagner Love
Gonzalo Mastriani
Mateo Zuleta
Luiz Fernando
Lucas Di Yorio
No Goalscorer-
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Vagner Love
  • Derek
  • Alejo Cruz
  • Shaylon
  • Pablo
  • Nikao
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Tomas Cuello
  • Bruno Tubarao
  • Alejo Cruz
  • Shaylon
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Bruno Tubarao
  • Tomas Cuello
  • Vagner Love
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Lucas Kal
  • Derek
  • Nikao
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Fernandinho
  • Vagner Love
  • Roni
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Derek
  • Pablo
  • Gonzalo Mastriani
  • Nikao
  • Shaylon
  • Fernandinho
  • Roni
  • Gabriel Baralhas
  • Luiz Felipe
  • Thiago Heleno
  • Lucas Kal
  • Daniel
  • Vagner Love
  • Adriano Martins
  • Luiz Fernando
Atletico GODrawAthletico-PR
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Atletico GO And Draw
  • Athletico-PR And Draw
  • Atletico GO And Athletico-PR
  • Vagner Love
  • Gonzalo Mastriani
  • Derek
  • Luiz Fernando
  • Mateo Zuleta
  • Lucas Di Yorio
  • Emiliano Rodriguez
  • Pablo
  • Nikao
  • Emersonn
Atletico GOHandicap DrawAthletico-PR
Atletico GOHandicap DrawAthletico-PR
  • Atletico GO / Atletico GO
  • Atletico GO / Draw
  • Atletico GO / Athletico-PR
  • Draw / Atletico GO
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Athletico-PR
  • Athletico-PR / Atletico GO
  • Athletico-PR / Draw
  • Athletico-PR / Athletico-PR
  • Atletico GO
  • Athletico-PR
Atletico GOAthletico-PRNo Goals
Total Corners 8.5
Total Corners 9.5
Total Corners 10.5
Total Corners 11.5
Total Corners 12.5
Over/Under 2.5 Cards
Over/Under 3.5 Cards
Over/Under 4.5 Cards
Over/Under 5.5 Cards
Atletico GODrawAthletico-PR
Atletico GOAthletico-PR
  • Yes

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