
Colombia v Panama

сб, 06 лип. 24 р., 18:00
Match Odds
To Qualify for the Next Round
  • Colombia
  • Panama
Odds Boost
  • James Rodriguez to score & to assist a goal5,00
  • Colombia to Win, Colombia Most Corners in Each Half & Colombia Most Shots On Target in Each Half4,50
  • Luis Diaz to have 1 or more shots on target in each half4,50
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Each Team to Have 2+ Corners in Each Half & Each Team to Have 2+ Shots On Target in Each Half
Colombia 1+ Goals in Each Half; Colombia 3+ Corners in Each Half & Panama 1+ Cards in Each Half
Colombia to Win Each Half, Jhon Cordoba to Score & Colombia to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Both Teams to Score & 3+ Corners for Each Team & 2+ Cards for Each Team
Each Team to Have 2+ Corners in Each Half
Each Team 2+ Shots On Target in Each Half
Colombia to Win Each Half & Colombia to Have Most Corners in Each Half
Colombia to Win, Colombia Most Corners in Each Half & Colombia Most Shots On Target in Each Half
Colombia to Win, Colombia Most Shots On Target, Colombia Most Corners & Panama Most Cards
Colombia to Win; Colombia Most Corners & Panama Most Cards
Colombia to Win, Colombia Most Shots On Target & Colombia Most Corners
Голи більше/менше
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Автоголи не враховуються
ПершийУ будь-який час
Jhon Cordoba
Rafael Borre
Miguel Borja
Luis Diaz
Jhon Duran
Luis Sinisterra
James Rodriguez
  • James Rodriguez
  • Jhon Cordoba
  • Miguel Borja
  • Luis Diaz
  • Rafael Borre
  • Jhon Duran
  • Luis Sinisterra
  • Jhon Arias
  • Juan Fernando Quintero
  • Mateus Uribe
  • James Rodriguez
  • Juan Fernando Quintero
  • Jhon Cordoba
  • Jhon Arias
  • Miguel Borja
  • Luis Sinisterra
  • Luis Diaz
  • Mateus Uribe
  • Johan Mojica
  • Jhon Duran
  • Miguel Borja
  • Rafael Borre
  • Jhon Cordoba
  • Jhon Arias
  • Luis Diaz
  • Jhon Duran
  • James Rodriguez
  • Luis Sinisterra
  • Mateus Uribe
  • Yaser Asprilla
  • Miguel Borja
  • Carlos Harvey
  • Omar Valencia
  • Eduardo Anderson
  • Ivan Anderson
  • Cristian Martinez
  • Jhon Arias
  • Mateus Uribe
  • Adalberto Carrasquilla
  • Roderick Miller
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Colombia And Draw
  • Panama And Draw
  • Colombia And Panama
  • Jhon Cordoba
  • Rafael Borre
  • Miguel Borja
  • Luis Diaz
  • Jhon Duran
  • Luis Sinisterra
  • James Rodriguez
  • Jhon Arias
  • Yaser Asprilla
  • Juan Fernando Quintero
ColombiaHandicap DrawPanama
ColombiaHandicap DrawPanama
  • Colombia / Colombia
  • Colombia / Draw
  • Colombia / Panama
  • Draw / Colombia
  • Draw / Draw
  • Draw / Panama
  • Panama / Colombia
  • Panama / Draw
  • Panama / Panama
  • Colombia
  • Panama
ColombiaPanamaNo Goals
Total Corners 7.5
Total Corners 8.5
Total Corners 9.5
Total Corners 10.5
Over/Under 1.5 Cards
Over/Under 2.5 Cards
Over/Under 3.5 Cards
Over/Under 4.5 Cards
  • Yes

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